Saturday 9 May 2009

Essexian Progress And Some Bad News

Well I think it's about time that I showed you my progress to date with my Essexian's, lets face it that is why you are reading this :) So without furthur ado.

Cadet-Commissar Aden Trask
Trask Front
Trask Side
Trask Back

Guardsmen Finished
Guardsmen Finished

Veteran Sergeant
Vet Sergeant

Chrimera Side
Chimera Front
It's sort of finished, all I need to do is work up the courage to do the free hand details on the armour.

Valk Body
Size Comparison
The second picture is a size comparison between the Valk and my Leman Russ (that has had it's barrel shortened).

There are some other bits I have (another commissar and 19 more mordians) that I haven't taken pics of, mostly because they aren't even undercoated yet.

The Bad News
It's happened again. The manic rush of new Guard players has driven me away again. So I'm going to let the rush die before coming back to this army.

A Sneak Peak
Colonel Nalton gazed out the fireslit of the bunker, over the maze of trenchs, the sucking mud, the shell craters and the dead bodies of his regiment. The explosions of grenades and the manic flashing of lasfire was visible across the entire trench network. This was not possible was all he could think, they had sited this position with the utmost care and skill. The enemy, whoever they were, shouldn't have been able to gain footholds in their defences. Hell they should have been killed before they got within 30metres of the firestep! If they got out of this alive someone would take the full blame for this disaster, and it wouldn't be him.
A shadow passed across the fireslit so quickly that he almost missed it. With his augmetic hand he removed his laspistol from his hip holster and checked the load. Full. A loud clank from the armoured access door made him spin around pistol raised. The other troopers with him raised there lasguns. Trooper Gaela walked up to the door and placed his ear to the thick armour. "Sir. There is someone outside". Just as he finished a loud clank echoed through the door. Something had just impacted against it. Gaela kept listening, before turning to face his Colonel. "They've gone, I can't hear . . ." he never finished the sentence. The door and his head turned to liquid as what could only be a meltabeam carved through them both. Nalton and his men fired through the liquid remains. A shadowed figure dived sideways away from the gunfire. The Imperials took this opportunity to reload. Nalton was about to order them to chase the figure but the words died in his mouth as another figure, in green and pink armour, walked through the door and levelled a giant flamer at them. "Bastards . . . ." was all he could say before the interior of the bunker was consumed in fire.

The green and pink armoured figure is going to be a part of my new army, turn and guess which it could be :)


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